Laura Céspedes Arias
Laura Céspedes Arias
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Cited by
Systematics, biogeography, and diversification of Scytalopus tapaculos (Rhinocryptidae), an enigmatic radiation of Neotropical montane birds
CD Cadena, AM Cuervo, LN Céspedes, GA Bravo, N Krabbe, ...
The Auk 137 (2), ukz077, 2020
Extreme genetic structure and dynamic range evolution in a montane passerine bird: implications for tropical diversification
CD Cadena, JL Perez-Eman, AM Cuervo, LN Céspedes, KL Epperly, ...
Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 126 (3), 487-506, 2019
Phylogeography of the Critically Endangered Brown Spider Monkey (Ateles hybridus): Testing the Riverine Barrier Hypothesis
A Link, LM Valencia, LN Céspedes, LD Duque, CD Cadena, A Di Fiore
International Journal of Primatology 36, 530-547, 2015
Over-winter ecology and relative density of Canada Warbler Cardellina canadensis in Colombia: The basis for defining conservation priorities for a sharply declining long …
LN Cespedes, NJ Bayly
Bird Conservation International 29 (2), 232-248, 2019
Origin of elevational replacements in a clade of nearly flightless birds: most diversity in tropical mountains accumulates via secondary contact following allopatric speciation
CD Cadena, LN Céspedes
Neotropical diversification: Patterns and processes, 635-659, 2020
Community modeling reveals the importance of elevation and land cover in shaping migratory bird abundance in the Andes
LN Céspedes Arias, S Wilson, NJ Bayly
Ecological Applications 32 (1), e02481, 2022
The behavior and diet of the Shining Sunbeam (Aglaeactis cupripennis): A territorial high-elevation hummingbird
LN Céspedes, LI Pavan, JA Hazlehurst, JE Jankowski
The Wilson Journal of Ornithology 131 (1), 24-34, 2019
Extensive hybridization between two Andean warbler species with shallow divergence in mtDNA
LN Céspedes-Arias, AM Cuervo, E Bonaccorso, M Castro-Farias, ...
The Auk 138 (1), ukaa065, 2021
Volcanoes, evolving landscapes, and biodiversity in Neotropical mountains
MJ Sanín, A Cardona, LN Céspedes Arias, C González-Arango, N Pardo, ...
Frontiers of Biogeography 16 (1), 2024
Digest: Selection for staggered pollen release as a driver of heteranthery
LNC Arias
Evolution 75 (11), 2944-2945, 2021
The type of Setophaga ruficoronata (Kaup 1851) is a hybrid: implications for the taxonomy of Myioborus warblers (Passeriformes: Parulidae)
AM Cuervo, LNC Arias
Zootaxa 5383 (4), 476-490, 2023
Breeding biology of the grey-browed brushfinch Arremon assimilis (Aves: Passerellidae) in the Eastern Andes of Colombia
MI Castaño, MA Meneses-Giorgi, LN Céspedes Arias, CD Cadena, ...
Journal of Natural History 57 (37-40), 1650-1670, 2023
The Sensory Ecology of Birds
K Fialko, JR Ali, L Cespedes Arias, J Drucker, KK Norden, T Price, ...
ORNITHOLOGY 138 (2), 2021
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Articles 1–13